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The Treatment of Plantar Warts Using Microwave - A Review of 85 Consecutive Cases in the United States (2023)

The Treatment of Plantar Warts Using Microwave - A Review of 85 Consecutive Cases in the United States (2023)
16. Juni 2023

Plantar warts (verrucae plantaris) are a common source of pain for patients and are often refractory to treatment. Previous work has shown a high clearance rate of verrucae using a surface-based microwave device (Swift®).

AimsTo assess the efficacy, defined as the complete visible clearance of warts, in patients with verrucae plantaris receiving microwave treatment.

We undertook a retrospective review and identified records of 85 patients who underwent a course of microwave treatment at a single US-based podiatry centre. Efficacy was analyzed on the basis on intention-to-treat.


Aditya K. Gupta MD, PhD, Tong Wang MSc, Elizabeth A. Cooper BSc, Robert M. Conenello DPM, Ivan R. Bristow PhD, FRCPodM
The Treatment of Plantar Warts Using Microwave - A Review of 85 Consecutive Cases in the United States (2023)

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